Friday, October 9, 2009

Down and Out

I've had a hard time writing here because I feel so cynical lately. We havn't had any interest in our house since the sale fell through. We're getting more and more frustrated with the public school system we're in and we're getting desperate.

Originally we planned to take our house off the market after October because we didn't want to move during the holidays...and because we wanted to take it off the market long enough that it would be fresh when we put it back in front of buyers. Now we're planning to leave it on until the new year. More stress of keeping it spotless with three kiddos under 5.

During all of this ALL of my hope that we might sell has turned to skepticism that we will EVER sell. This economy sucks! My kids education is paying for it.

I've been spending every morning in Josie's class because she's been getting into trouble everyday. Now that I've been there I see why. The teacher is a new student just out of college she has no control over 30 inner city kids. Fist fighting is a daily occurance. My kid already has problems with focus and impulse control thanks to in utero drug use....she's not going to be able to learn a damn thing in that environment....except how to fight. It's the beginning of October. She's already been suspended once and had the principal call home 3 times. She's been pulled out of the class multiple times. We've started the process for an IEP but they're even fighting that almost half the students there are clamouring for services they don't have the money to provide. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGHHHHH.

I'm down and out. We have to sell this house and move.